Greengrass Lawncare join forces with TopGrass!
19 December 2024
Exciting news! TopGrass has joined forces with Greengrass Lawncare!
In September of this year, Mike Caddy, owner of Greengrass St Albans, an independent-run business, has teamed up with Tom Arnold and his family, owners of the leading independent family-run lawn care business in the UK - TopGrass.
A note from Mike Caddy:
I am not getting any younger and carrying a sprayer around all day in the winter applying moss treatments and walking up to 10-12km a day is getting harder, so it's time to ease back. I shall no longer be involved in routine treatments but hope to be able to continue carrying out some of the seasonal cultural treatments and supporting Top Grass wherever I am needed.
A note from Tom Arnold, TopGrass Director:
I always t
hink very carefully before teaming up with any other lawn care business as I always want to be sure that the TopGrass quality and customer care standards are upheld. Mike does just that. With Greengrass, he has a track record of delivering high-quality service whilst caring for his customers and the environment. To this end, we are delighted that Greengrass is joining the TopGrass family. Greengrass and TopGrass also share the same values of sustainability and integrated turf management, making the best decisions for your lawn and the environment. At TopGrass we have also signed up to Net Zero targets and are currently trialling an electric van. I do hope you will allow TopGrass to continue looking after your lawn going forward. Click here to find out more about TopGrass
Welcome aboard Greengrass Lawncare!
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