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Why should you have your lawn treated by professionals?

A well-kept and thriving lawn requires an extensive commitment of both time and attention. Here at TopGrass, we tailor our lawn care programme to meet your lawns’ individual needs to achieve the best results possible. Let us do the hard work and you will soon see the difference. Our professional treatments, combined with recommended watering and mowing guidelines, will create a lawn that will be the envy of your friends, family and neighbours!

Making your life easier

Taking on the task of lawn care yourself can be a daunting venture. Watering and mowing are fairly straightforward, but what next? Which fertiliser should I use? Which weed treatment? How much should I apply? When should I apply it and how often? Lawn care is actually quite a complex science. Why not avoid the frustration of trial and error and go straight to an expert lawn care company? The training and expertise of TopGrass technicians will get you on the right path, ensuring your lawn receives exactly what it needs, when it needs it.

Top 5 reasons to have your lawn treated professionally

Time saving

Letting us do the work for you will save you days of your own precious time and allow you more time to enjoy your garden.





A beautiful lush, green lawn enhances the appearance of your property and can increase its value.





A healthy, strong lawn will be a pleasure to walk on, play on or just sit and enjoy.





Bring the knowledge, materials and equipment of the professional groundsman to your lawn.





It can cost less than DIY to have the job done professionally.




Still not sure? See the results

These pictures of our customers’ lawns were taken by our technicians whilst out and about on their treatment rounds. These are but a few of our very happy customers who are enjoying the results of TopGrass lawn care.


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